DiData Among Top Ten LIMS
DiData is proud to share with you the fact that Biobanking.com selected our solution Di-LIMS among the top 10 LIMS for Biobanks
Di-LIMS by DiData is a fast and secure web-based LIMS solution that facilitates sample management from collection to shipment, set-up customizable workflows, and keeps track of your storage space. Features include:
- Managing and tracking samples with easy-to-use interface
- Customizable intuitive workflows
- Optimize your time and storage space
- Dedicated module for data validation, and data import and export
- Protect your sensitive data with access rights
- Connect all instruments in your lab to Di-LIMS
- Fully compliant, get your laboratory ready for certification
One of the fastest LIMS, easy to use, highly customizable and flexible. Its features fit perfectly the need of biobanks and the pricing is attractive. Cons: Big biobanks with a bunch of unique needs may not find some specific features to fit their needs.
For more details visit Di-LIMS